Somi’s Dad gave her a birthday surprise she was NOT prepared for

Somi‘s dad Matthew Douma prepared a surprise birthday event early in the morning for Somi’s special day.

On March 9, a video was uploaded on Evelyn‘s Instagram page. Evelyn is Somi’s younger sister, and the page is most likely managed by Somi’s parents. In this video, Somi’s dad is seen introducing the surprise event he has prepared for Somi. Even though she isn’t shown on the video, Somi’s mom can be heard as well.

Somi’s father can be seen at the start of the video, lighting a candle on the cake and immediately goes to the next room to celebrate her daughter’s birthday at 5:45 am. Somi was born around that time, so that’s why Somi’s dad is doing this event so early.

With the lights turned on, Somi wakes up to the light and turns around to see her dad laughing, singing and holding a birthday cake.

Even thought Somi just woke up and she is still finding out what’s going on, she can be seen praying and being thankful for the love she’s receiving.

Somi’s dad then turns to Somi and tells her to blow the candles as he congratulated her for turning 16. The video finishes with a scene of a bowl of rice and seaweed soup. Seaweed soup is the traditional menu for Koreans to eat on their birthday.

Watch the hilarious yet touching video of the birthday event, below!

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