Song Ji Hyo and Lee Kwang Soo get hot and steamy together on stage

Song Ji Hyo and Lee Kwang Soo danced together, shocking fans with their sexy stage chemistry!

Song Ji Hyo performed first, and everyone went wild over her sexy charisma!

A video of Song Ji Hyo dancing to 4minute’s “Hot Issue” is becoming a hot topic.

She shed her “ace” image and turned up her sexiness while dancing on stage.

She bared her toned midriff as she owned the stage.

Everyone could tell she had a fun time performing in front of her fans.

Song Ji Hyo also danced to Park Jin Young’s “Who’s Your Mama?” with Lee Kwang Soo.

And the sexy chemistry between the two was flawless!

Fans caught a rare sight of Song Ji Hyo doing a split on the floor as she showed off fit she was.

Watch Song Ji Hyo’s girl-crush sexy moves below!

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