Song Ji Hyo Reveals The Pains Of Being On “Running Man” For 10 Years

She’s already done a lifetime of cardio!

Song Ji Hyo has been on Running Man for almost ten years—and she’s been doing so much running, her knees constantly hurt!


On a radio interview, Song Ji Hyo said she began when she was 30 (Korean age) and she’s 39 now.

Song Ji Hyo when she was 30-years-old on “Running Man”.


That’s almost ten years on a physically intense show, every week!

Song Ji Hyo on an episode of “Running Man”, almost 10 years since its beginning.


The constant exertion has taken its toll on her body, especially on her knees.

I’ve run so much, my knees hurt!

— Song Ji Hyo


Running excessively is an essential part of being on the Running Man.


Aside from running, she’s also engaged in other physically strenuous activities like jumping and getting tossed over a bar into water!


Or breaking bricks with her hands!


Or beating up her castmates!


Or getting slapped!


It’s not easy being the Ace of the team, but Song Ji Hyo has proven over the decade that she’s an essential part of the show!

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