The Start Of SEVENTEEN’s One Tough Day Will Make You Laugh At Their Pain But Impressed At Their Resourcefulness

Their optimism is impressive considering the circumstances.

At the start of filming for One Fine Day, each SEVENTEEN member was asked what they wanted to do with their time off. The majority of the members hoped for a comfortable vacation, but that is far from what they got.


The night before, the members had packed their suitcases. So, the next morning they were ready and excited for their vacation.

After eating a meal, everyone arrived at a ferry terminal and were given tickets to board. Hoshi was the first to become visibly suspicious.

Everyone wasn’t particularly delighted with their newly discovered destination, but they kept their minds open until they were asked to do something strange. They were asked to hand over their cellphones and wallets. S.Coups was taken aback by the request.

They were then given a small, clear plastic bag that they were to fill with essentials in only 1 minute. Although surprised, they quickly caught on and scrambled to complete the task.

The final straw was upon boarding the ferry. Seungkwan noticed their staff and managers hadn’t followed them. That’s when they knew the comfortable vacation they’d been hoping for was nowhere in sight.

SEVENTEEN’s One Fine Day was really One Tough Day, but they managed to make it the former in the end. You can see more of the episode below.


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