Stays Are Loving Comparing The Two Drawings Hyunjin And Lee Know Made Of Each Other

Maybe Hyunjin should draw Lee Know as a bunny next time.

In a recent VLIVE, Stray KidsHyunjin used the app to chat with fans while taking suggestions for his drawings. He sketched some pictures in real-time, including a drawing of his member Lee Know.

Fans were impressed by how much effort Hyunjin put into the drawing, taking his time to nail every detail.

The finished product left Stays in awe, especially when they compared Hyunjin’s sketch to photos of Lee Know in “Easy,” the concept Hyunjin drew from.

Stray Kids’ Lee Know performing “Easy”
Stray Kids’ Hyunjin and his drawing of Lee Know | @Stray Kids/VLIVE

But alongside simply admiring Hyunjin’s talent, Stays remembered a few instances in both VLIVEs and “SKZ-TALKER” (a series of vlog-like videos on Stray Kids’ YouTube channel) when Lee Know had drawn Hyunjin.

And the contrast couldn’t be funnier.

Lee Know may not devote as much time to drawing as Hyunjin does, but he certainly has developed his own distinct style. And that style shines through whether he’s depicting Hyunjin as a llama on VLIVE.

Lee Know and his drawing of Hyunjin as a llama | @Stray Kids/VLIVE

Or when he sketched Hyunjin in person, running away after showing him the finished product.

Hyunjin (left) and Lee Know (right) | @Stray Kids/YouTube 
Hyunjin with Lee Know running away in the background | @Stray Kids/YouTube 

But despite his playful response and likely-genuine surprise, Hyunjin is a true artist and can even admire Lee Know’s skill in managing to capture many similarities to his side-profile.

Hyunjin (seen first) and Lee Know (seen second) | @Stray Kids/YouTube 

Even going so far as to say, “it’s quite similar so [he has] no comments honestly.”

And, of course, we can be sure that Lee Know can’t complain about Hyunjin’s beautiful drawing of him either.

Stray Kids

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