Stray Kids’s Bang Chan And I.N. Talk About Being The Leader and Maknae

They’re the leader and maknae on top!

Every K-Pop group has a leader who is responsible for the group and a maknae who is usually responsible for the group’s energy. They are two very well-loved positions of great importance.

Sports Seoul recently released several interviews of the leaders and maknaes of a few K-Pop groups to ask how they felt in that position, with more interviews to come. Here is Stray Kids‘ leader and maknae interview!

How about we start with leader Bang Chan?

| @realstraykids/Instagram

Q: What do you like about being the leader?

I don’t know if it’s because I’m self-sacrificing, but I just like it… I think haha.

—Bang Chan

Q: Are there times when being a leader is difficult?

To be honest, I don’t want to make it obvious, but I think there are a lot of times when it’s obvious hahaha.

—Bang Chan

Q: When do you envy the maknae (I.N.)?

Hmm… When the youngest doesn’t seem like the youngest? Even though he’s the youngest, he looks mature. I envy him for that.

—Bang Chan

| @Stray_Kids/Twitter

Q: If you could be born again, would you be the leader or the maknae?

I want to debut as a leader again. I think it would be fun and meaningful to start from the beginning so that the mistakes that I made as a leader would not repeat themselves.

—Bang Chan

Q: Words of encouragement to the maknae for the new year?

Our youngest is ALWAYS the maknae on top!

—Bang Chan

| @realstraykids/Instagram

Let’s see what maknae I.N. thinks!

| @realstraykids/Instagram

Q: What’s your favorite thing about being the maknae?

Being younger than my hyungs.


Q: What’s difficult about being the maknae?

My hyungs are so mean (teasing)…


Q: When are you jealous of the leader (Bang Chan)?

It’s cool when he organizes the members’ opinions and delivers them!


| @realstraykids/Instagram

Q: If you were born again in the same group, would you want to be the leader or the maknae?

Being young is the best! So I’d like to be the maknae.


| @Stray_Kids/Twitter

Q: Words of encouragement to the leader for the New Year?

You work so hard as the leader… I’ll be your leader sometimes! I’m your maknae on top!


| @Stray_Kids/Twitter

Stray Kids truly have a leader and maknae to be reckoned with. They’re the perfect duo!

Source: Sports Seoul

Stray Kids

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