Stray Kids’ Felix Revealed His Ideal Type—For Boys And Girls

We stan an intellectual who doesn’t discriminate.

Whenever a male idol is questioned about their ideal type, the majority of them immediately list the qualities they like most in a girl. Stray KidsFelix surprised everyone by breaking that tradition and expanding it to include guys as well.

During a fan signing event, a STAY asked Felix about his ideal type. Catching the fan off guard, he gave them an option of which one they wanted to know, “Girl or boy?” Of course, they wanted to hear it all.

When thinking of girls, Felix didn’t have any particular type or qualities he liked most. He welcomed them all, sweetly responding, “I like STAYs just the way they are.” He was more specific when it came to guys.

For guys, Felix was fond of those who had the qualities of his fellow member Changbin. He’d said, “For [a] boy, Changbin Hyung. He’s dark, strong, and muscular.”

Since one side of Changbin can be dark and mysterious, no one could resist being drawn in by someone like that, especially when they’re buff as well.

| MNET/Finding SKZ

Funnily enough, fans noticed a moment where Felix truly showed he hadn’t been lying one bit when it came to his ideal type for guys.

During their interview with BuzzFeed, the group was figuring out which celebrity Bang Chan would switch places with.

With his ideal type in mind, fans couldn’t help but notice how Felix raised his eyebrow when choosing the darkly mysterious and totally buff Chris Hemsworth. Who could blame him?

When it comes to Felix, he’ll welcome you with both arms. At least, if you’re a muscular, mysterious guy or a girl who’s confident in who they are.

Source: BuzzFeed

Idols x Ideals

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