Unedited Moments Of Stray Kids’ Felix At The Airport Show What He Actually Looks Like IRL

He turned the airport into his own personal runway.

Stray KidsFelix continually trends for his unparalleled visuals. Netizens often point out that Felix is so handsome he often seems unreal or like his perfection is computer-generated.

Stray Kids’ Felix

The idol most recently left fans at a loss for words with his newest hairstyle, showing off his silvery blonde hair at a fan meeting in the Philippines.

His first airport pictures after debuting his new hair color showed Felix in a casual look, giving fans “boyfriend vibes.”

And now Felix once again made the airport his personal runway as the group departed to Japan.

Felix looked unreal in his all-black outfit.

| @skzzoozoo/Twitter
| @skzzoozoo/Twitter

Which his new hair color perfectly accented. Even though he was wearing a mask, his visuals are undeniable.

| @skzzoozoo/Twitter
| @skzzoozoo/Twitter

Even in unedited, fan-taken pictures and videos, Felix is astoundingly handsome.

| @_flawlesstae_/Twitter
| @skzwrld0325/Twitter

Every picture and video shows just how attractive he is in real life.

| @hvn0915/Twitter
| @hvn0915/Twitter

Which is certainly not good for Stays’ health.

| @Labiyonglix/Twitter
| @Labiyonglix/Twitter

You can read more here.

10 Times Stray Kids’ Felix Looked Unreal

Stray Kids

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