Stray Kids’ Han Had The Best Comeback For Hyunjin Saying He Wasn’t An Adult

Even Hyunjin thought it was a good one.

Stray KidsFelix, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Han gathered for a special ’00 line broadcast where they discussed becoming adults and the concept they wanted to now try.


Since Hyunjin’s birthday had been the first to pass, he was the oldest and officially an adult. So, he thought he’d have a little fun with the rest of them because of it.

Hyunjin jokingly bragged about being the oldest. So, Han pointed out that the rest of their birthdays would be coming up soon. That’s when Hyunjin called them babies compared to his new adulthood.

So, Han instantly had the best comeback ready for him. He said, ” I know. That’s why my skin is so firm and lifted every morning.” And, it was such a hit that Seungmin and Felix laughed along with Hyunjin who clapped his hands together.

Hyunjin may be older by a few months, but they’re ultimately same-age friends. And, Han has no problem reminding him.

Listen to Han crack them all up with his comeback starting at 14:53.

Stray Kids

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