Stray Kids’ Han Is Adorably Flustered To Meet BTOB’s Minhyuk And His Nervousness Is So Relatable

He was so starstruck he started rambling!

Mnet released a sneak peek of the rap units from Stray Kids, BTOB, and ATEEZ interacting one-on-one, and fans can’t get over how nervous Stray Kids’ Han was to meet BTOB’s Minhyuk.

Minhyuk (left) and Han (right) | Mnet K-POP/YouTube

Fans were comparing Han’s interaction with Minhyuk to someone meeting their crush or fans meeting their favorite idol because it was so relatable. The first twenty seconds of their interaction consisted of Han nervously trying to suppress his giggles and excitement.

Minhyuk asked him why he was nervous, and Han spent another thirty seconds stumbling over his words to try and explain before just saying he gets shy.

But he did manage to say that BTOB was his favorite group, and Minhyuk was his favorite member.

Han took up the entire two minute preview for his flustered confession, but we’re not mad because it was so sweet and cute.

Watch their full interaction below!

Source: Feature Image
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