Stray Kids’ Seungmin And I.N Made A Promise To Stop Buying Shoes Due To Their Excessive Shopping Habits

Spoiler Alert: It didn’t last long.

Stray KidsSeungmin and I.N are similar in many ways; it makes sense that they get along so well. They both even share the same excessive shopping habits.

During a recent episode of “2 Kids Room,” Seungmin and I.N talked about their similar online shopping routines. They both prefer online shopping. While in-person shopping forces you to look at items individually, online shopping is much easier.

Stray Kids’ Seungmin (left) and I.N (right) | Stray Kids/YouTube

Seungmin even gestured how one scrolls while online browsing to prove his point.

| Stray Kids/YouTube 

But because it’s so easy, they both do a lot of shopping. I.N admitted that he and Seungmin promised each other that they wouldn’t buy any more shoes until September.

| Stray Kids/YouTube 

Sensing what I.N was about to say, Seungmin quickly tried to shut him down with a “no.” But I.N continued his story, claiming that Seungmin had already failed. Seungmin had already bought another pair of shoes!

| Stray Kids/YouTube 

The pair initially made the promise after realizing they both already own a lot of shoes, but Seungmin bought more anyway.

| Stray Kids/YouTube 

Seungmin quickly revealed that after he had bought another pair, I.N followed suit, buying two more pairs for himself!

| Stray Kids/YouTube 

I.N’s defense was that the shoes he bought weren’t sneakers, but Seungmin seemed to think his reasoning for the purchase was more valid. Seungmin had only bought his new shoes for practice since he didn’t already have a pair he could use.

| Stray Kids/YouTube 

I.N, on the other hand, “went crazy” and bought two pairs. He just couldn’t resist the temptation of the “pretty” shoes, which he’d been eyeing for months.

| Stray Kids/YouTube 

Seungmin accepted that he needed to delete the online shopping app. And it seems like one of the duo’s dormmates agrees. Lee Know had a lot to say about his members’ shopping habits. You can read about it here!

Stray Kids’ Bang Chan Thinks Lee Know Looks Cute When He’s Mad, And It’s Easy To See Why

Source: YouTube

Stray Kids

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