Sunmi Demands Park Jin Young Bring Her Followers Back After His Photo Drove Them Away

“Give me back my followers!” – Sunmi

Sunmi recently made an appearance Real World with her little brother where she shared a hilarious story about her and Park Jin Young of JYP.

The show’s purpose was to show Sunmi how to be a true fangirl, and when she turned the wheel to see who she’d fangirl over, it was none other than Park Jin Young, whom she has a deep relationship.

In a mission where Sunmi had to choose between 101 legendary photos of Park Jin Young, one stood out to her in particular.

She pointed at the “boyfriend shot” of Park Jin Young with a laugh and revealed the happening behind the photo.

I thought that photo was decent and posted it on my Instagram! But almost 500 people unfollowed me because of it!

– Sunmi

She then jokingly demanded,

Give me back my followers!

– Sunmi

And in the end, the photo that Sunmi and her brother picked was that very “boyfriend shot” that caused Sunmi to lose followers.

The hilarious moment has fans laughing and responding with comments such as “I love their relationship“, “That ‘boyfriend shot’ of Park Jin Young is so legendary“, and “It’s hilarious how some people actually unfollowed her because of that photo“.

Check out the full clip below:


Source: Insight


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