Suzy Tells-All On How She Chose The Hime Cut For Netflix’s “Doona!”

Would you try out this haircut for yourself?

Recently, Netflix dropped a video of Suzy sharing the inside scoop on Doona‘s wardrobe, hair, and makeup from the romantic comedy series Doona! How does Doona’s look differ from SUZY’s personal tastes? What was the motivation for the hime cut? Get answers to these questions and more on Doona!

Suzy | Netflix K-Contents/YouTube

The producer asked, “The hime cut became popular after you shared your Japan trip vlog,” in which Suzy replied, “It’s still popular (laughs.)”

In the original webtoon, Doona didn’t have a hime cut. She had full bangs and wavy hair. But I’d already done that look many times before, and since I didn’t think of Doona as an ordinary character, I wanted to try a unique hairstyle. I thought a hime cut would stand out. That’s why I tried it, and I thought it was perfect for Doona. That’s how it happened.

— Suzy

In terms of her tips on looking pretty in a cap, Suzy emphasized one thing!

Suzy | Netflix K-Contents/YouTube

She never hides her trademark hime cut. Keeping it visible is key. And she doesn’t sweep her bangs back. She keeps them in front.

— Suzy

Lastly, she revealed reasons to watch Doona!

It’ll be fun to see all of Doona’s outfits. Look forward to her fashion.

— Suzy

Fans also praised Suzy’s style for the show, stating it was the “epitome of Doona.”

User comments | Netflix K-Contents/YouTube

Watch the full video below!

Source: sports khan


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