TREASURE’s Advice For Trainees Struggling With Dating Bans

The members offered their honest thoughts on the subject.

TREASURE recently guided beloved MC JaeJae through the day in a life of a YG Entertainment trainee in an episode of the variety program MMTG.

(From left:) BIGBANG’s G-Dragon, JaeJae, TREASURE’s Junkyu and Jihoon | 문명특급 – MMTG/YouTube

In the episode, JaeJae joined YG Entertainment as an “honorary trainee” and sought advice from the TREASURE members as she prepared for her trainee evaluation.

While living the life of a trainee for a day, JaeJae asked the members what their experience was like and what was expected of trainees.

JaeJae (left) with TREASURE | @happy_jae_jae/Instagram

JaeJae asked if there were any rules trainees had to follow after having her cell phone taken away by the YG staff members earlier in the episode.

Jaehyuk and Jihoon echoed the rule that trainees are not allowed to date, a common rule among Korean entertainment companies.

JaeJae hilariously revealed she’s “crazy about love,” so she wasn’t sure the rule would work well for her.

Junkyu jokingly agreed that it “may not be the life for [her].

Co-leader Jihoon offered advice for those who may struggle with the dating ban, as he shared a wise viewpoint of the situation.

Jihoon reminded JaeJae that, as a trainee, there are plenty of things they can focus on besides dating. JaeJae asked if it was something trainees decided to set aside for their dream, and the TREASURE members confidently answered yes.

After their conversation, JaeJae brought up Jaehyuk’s thoughtful fan service, including giving fans rings he bought.

JaeJae jokingly asked for one too, and the kind TREASURE member didn’t hesitate before handing her a ring he had recently purchased in Japan.

Junkyu was shocked, stating that he heard the ring cost ₩50.0 million KRW (about $37,300 USD). Jeongwoo confirmed the amount by saying he was with Jaehyuk when he bought it.

JaeJae decided that if trainees could eventually afford a ring like that after their debut, then maybe setting aside her desire to love would be worth it.

The specific bright side JaeJae found was short-lived when the TREASURE members revealed they were just joking about the ring’s price. Instead, it was ₩5,000 KRW (about $3.73 USD).

Although they were joking about the price, the lesson was real that if trainees have a clear goal in mind, it makes the sacrifices a little easier.

Check out more about a YG Entertainment trainee’s daily life in the article below!

A Day In The Life Of A YG Entertainment Trainee, As Revealed By TREASURE

Source: YouTube


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