The Time TREASURE’s Hyunsuk Stopped His Members From Fighting…While In His Underwear

Here’s the full (hilarious) story!

TREASURE‘s Hyunsuk, Jihoon, and Yoshi recently sat down for an interview with MC Jonathan on TheKStarNextDoor. They talked about everything ranging from the size of their group to their fun experiences as trainees.

Regarding the latter, one way Hyunsuk was able to bond with the others was by being in a situation that he can now describe as hilarious. As one of the oldest in the company pre-debut, he often took the role of an older brother. This included stopping fights when they happened…even if he was right about to step into the shower!

After the practice when we were trainees, I took my clothes off to take a shower. And I saw two members fighting over there.

— Hyunsuk

Hyunsuk, being the natural leader that he is, stopped everything he was doing in order to go to keep the peace at the dorm.

I ran over there and stopped them. At the time, I happened to be wearing only my underwear. I was standing like this. ‘What are you doing?’ And I was wearing nothing but underwear.

— Hyunsuk

On the bright side, the fight ended right away. It was hard to not be distracted by a member putting himself in the middle of the fight while showing so much skin.

It did because I was wearing nothing but underwear.

— Hyunsuk

Check out the full video below to learn more hilarious facts about TREASURE!

Source: YouTube


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