Here’s The Truth Behind The Hateful Pictures And Comments That Made gugudan’s Mina Go On A Dangerous Diet (Hint: Photoshop)

These pictures and comments made Mina starve herself down to 90 lbs.

When the internet found these pictures of gugudan‘s Mina at the airport in a super cute black and white outfit, most fell in love with her gorgeous sweet smile.


Unfortunately, the internet is also where haters breed — and they decided to mock Mina for her “wider-than-average-shoulders”.

I signed up for a gym membership to bulk up, but she’s ruining my hopes and dreams. This idol has a bigger build than I do…

— Useless Hater


These haters also began “criticizing” Mina for her body, based on snapshots taken from her Produce 101 days.


This kind of hatred ended up having a severely negative impact on Mina as a person. Hurt from the incessant body-shaming, she went on a dangerously extreme weight loss plan. After drastically shedding over 25 pounds, Mina took the spotlight as K-Pop’s new diet queen — but she also admitted to having kept an unhealthy diet of starving herself and surviving on two bottles of sparkling water all day.

Gugudan’s Mina Reveals Her Dangerous Dieting Method


Eventually, it turned out that the pictures for which Mina received so much hate and criticism were intentionally photoshopped to make her look bigger. The airport photo in question had been altered to make her shoulders look wider:

Edited (Left) vs. Original (Right)


And the Produce 101 captures were also tampered to make Mina’s frame look bigger than it actually is…

Edited (Left) vs. Original (Right)


… and it broke the fans’ hearts to think that she put herself through so much stress and suffering, all because of the evil edits and comments.


With such “hate culture” rampant in K-Pop, more idols are opting to take legal action without leniency to protect themselves. Some believe Mina and/or her agency could probably file against those who gave her a hard time with these maliciously photoshopped pictures.

I hope her agency sues the f*ckers. What is the point in ruining someone’s life like this?

— Netizen


Thankfully, Mina has put the hate behind her and is living her best days, looking as flawless as ever. Gugudan fans couldn’t have asked for a better rapper-dancer member!

Source: THEQOO


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