TWICE Has Done This Every Single Year Since Their Debut

It’s their annual tradition.

Everyone has traditions, including TWICE, who have given ONCE the same special gift for four years straight.


TWICE made their official debut on October 20, 2015. Almost exactly one month later, on November 22, they began an annual tradition: covering miss A‘s hit song, “Bad Girl, Good Girl”.


Mina, Momo, Sana, and Tzuyu performed their first cover of “Bad Girl, Good Girl” on My Little Television. It was a cute and casual dance cover, danced in slippers and comfy clothes.


On January 22, 2016, TWICE took their cover to the next level when they performed it as part of a medley for You Hee-yeol’s Sketchbook. This time, all nine members took part in the singing/dancing cover.


The “Bad Girl, Good Girl” tradition continued on June 24, 2017 at KCON NY. Once again, TWICE performed the song as part of a special medley for thousands of adoring fans. This time, Tzuyu, Nayeon, Sana, Momo performed the song as a quartet.


Most recently, Momo, Mina, Nayeon, and Sana covered “Bad Girl, Good Girl” on December 12, 2018 at 2018 MAMA Fans’ Choice in Japan. 


“Bad Girl, Good Girl” could be considered TWICE’s good luck charm because every time they perform it, it’s on a bigger stage…


…than the last!


Through these covers, fans can see just how much the members have grown from rookies…


…to the polished stars they are today.


For more fantastic idol covers, check out these ones you won’t want to miss.

15 Amazing Idol Covers That You Likely Never Heard About But Definitely Need In Your Life


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