TWICE’s Dahyun Spoiled “Talk That Talk” Almost 3 Months Before It Was Released

She truly is the spoiler queen of TWICE.

TWICE‘s Dahyun once had an infamous incident wherein she accidentally spoiled the title of TWICE’s 2021 single, “Alcohol-Free,” on a birthday live broadcast 2 weeks before it was officially released.

The TWICE members were shocked by Dahyun’s accidental spoiler

The members couldn’t contain their reactions, and everyone was stressed out of their minds.

That didn’t deter Dahyun from being a spoiler queen because the following year, during her 2022 birthday live broadcast, she spoiled “Talk That Talk” right in front of ONCEs!

TWICE’s Dahyun | TWICE/YouTube 

She learned her lesson and cleverly disguised her birthday wish by saying, “Please make ‘TTT’ a hit.

At the time, fans automatically assumed she meant TIME TO TWICE, their regularly uploaded reality show on YouTube.

It seems like Dahyun is determined to continue being the “spoiler fairy” of TWICE! ONCEs are definitely going to be on the lookout during her 2023 birthday live for more hints about their upcoming comebacks.

Watch the entire first episode of TWICE’s “Talk That Talk” music video behind the scenes below. Dahyun reveals her spoiler at around the 6-minute mark.


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