TWICE’s Haters Have Their Own Fandom Name, THRICE

There’s been a coordinated effort among haters to bring TWICE down.

TWICE is so popular that even their haters have their own fandom name.


Having already won multiple major awards and setting several industry records, there’s no questioning TWICE’s popularity.


And while the group’s fandom ONCE is undoubtedly one of the largest fan clubs in K-Pop right now, the group is also receiving a lot of attention for having a large amount of anti-fans as well.


In fact, with so many haters constantly commenting on TWICE photos, videos, and news, fans of the group have dubbed TWICE haters THRICE, a play on the group’s name and fandom.


According to fans on Twitter, the Thrice anti-fans are even joining together and are possibly planning a special light stick, logo, and even an official color.


While most idol groups have their fair share of anti-fans, ONCE have noticed that Thrice are constantly commenting on any news, photos, or videos featuring TWICE. Most noticeably, these anti-fans have constantly been purposely disliking TWICE’s music videos.

According to fans, three of TWICE’s music videos (“TT”, “Knock Knock”, and “Cheer Up”) are among the top four most disliked videos on YouTube.


While TWICE is well-loved in Korea, having even been regarded as the new “Nation’s Girl Group” by Korean television broadcasts and news outlets, they have also started attracting more and more anti-fans as their fame continues to grow.


However, as haters continue to monitor all of TWICE’s activities, they appear to also be helping to add to TWICE’s success.

The 352,000+ dislikes on “TT” definitely amounted to a ton of views, helping it become the most-watched K-Pop girl group music video of all time.

And while no one wants to have anti-fans, it’s quite evident that having haters is also a clear sign of success.

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