TWICE Momo’s Japanese aegyo will stay stuck in your head all day

TWICE‘s Momo is from Japan, and her version of aegyo was cute enough to make Super Junior‘s Heechul laugh from embarrassment.

Heechul is known to be a fan of Momo and it really shows in this video. Momo and Heechul face each other and she says, “Nico nico ni~.” Heechul can’t help but show the pure joy on his face. In Japanese Heechul even says, “I’m going to fall for you!” Later, Momo tells him “Good morning,” and Heechul instantly hides his face and laughs.

Momo’s aegyo is actually an impression of the character Yazawa Nico from the anime Love Live. Yazawa Nico uses “Nico Nico Ni~” as her self-introduction and in English it would be translated to “Nico Nico Smile.”

Momo isn’t the only TWICE member who’s had cute Japanese moments with other idols. On Happy TogetherSana played a game with Kangnam, who is half-Japanese and was born in Tokyo. The MCs were surprised they were able to do it flawlessly since it’s so fast. However, Sana and Kangnam explain that it’s something that many children in Japan know how to do.

TWICE recently made it onto the list of terms most searched by Koreans on Twitter. They were the only girl group to make it on the list, which shows their surging popularity.

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