TWICE’s Nayeon Didn’t Let A Language Barrier Stop Her From Helping An Elderly Couple

She saw that they needed an extra hand.

In the first episode of TWICE‘s Nayeon TV, documenting Nayeon‘s trip to Hawaii, she had an adorably funny moment when lending a hand to an elderly couple.

While Nayeon was using her spare time to sightsee, she noticed an elderly couple nearby. As the man held a camera in his hand, the woman pointed toward the view, as if wanting to snap a photo of themselves together.

Thinking they might’ve needed someone to take the photo, Nayeon quickly approached them and asked if she could help do so. When she received a response, it didn’t come from them.

One of her staff members had answered instead, telling Nayeon that the couple didn’t speak Korean. With a smile and a hand raised in the air, Nayeon turned toward them, trying to confirm if it was true.

When they did, Nayeon couldn’t resist laughing at her own adorable mishap. After a staff member most likely translated her question into English, she was able to help them like she’d originally wanted.

As soon as the man handed her the camera, the couple posed while leaning on the railing. Holding the camera like a professional with two hands, Nayeon snapped the photos they’ll be able to look back at for years.

Even a little language barrier couldn’t stop Nayeon from doing what she could to lend a helping hand, especially when they needed it most. Watch her photograph the couple here.


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