TWICE’s Nayeon And Momo Explain Why Jihyo And Mina Are The Smartest Members

They’re both smart in their own ways.

During a live broadcast, TWICE‘s Momo read a fan’s question asking who they thought was the smartest among them.


After Nayeon spaced out while singing, Momo softly reminded her to answer, “Unnie.”

Nayeon’s first choice was leader Jihyo. Although they both couldn’t put into words how smart she is, they agreed that she was indeed among the most intelligent. Being able to lead a group of eight girls for four years? That takes smarts. When it came to choosing Mina, though, they knew precisely what to say.

Nayeon said Mina comes up with ideas that people wouldn’t typically think of, concluding that Mina’s way of thinking was unique. Someone who can think outside of the box is always necessary. Momo then added that Mina could also memorize choreography well.

There’s more than one way to be smart. Jihyo and Mina have their own ways that make them stand out, even if they can’t be named off the top of one’s head like Jihyo’s.

See Nayeon and Momo do their best to explain why they thought Jihyo and Mina are the brains of the operation.


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