TWICE’s Sana Wouldn’t Rest Until She Kissed Dahyun, But She Wasn’t Having It

Dahyun wouldn’t receive Sana’s love.

TWICE‘s Sana is very affectionate towards her members, always wanting to shower them with kisses. This time her target was no one other than Dahyun, who always manages to get away. Seeing the perfect opening, Sana just had to give it a try—or at least a few tries.

Since Sana was holding Dahyun in her arms as they stood together, she realized it was the perfect opportunity to try and get a kiss. Quickly noting there would be nowhere for her to run, Sana moved her head back to shower Dahyun with even more affection.

She cutely poked her lips out and leaned toward Dahyun, who slowly moved back. She didn’t want any kisses, tilting her head back as Sana got closer. Dahyun’s head reached so far back that it rested on Nayeon‘s shoulder, who was standing behind her.

Reaching the end of the line, Dahyun resorted to turning her head from side to side to avoid her kisses. That didn’t stop Sana, who followed every move with her lips still cutely puckered.

The adorable push-and-pull moment had both Sana and Dahyun laughing at how funny it was. In the end, Sana still didn’t get her kisses.

Although Dahyun escaped this time, Sana won’t give up until she finally reaches her goal of showering her with kisses.

After all, Sana received a kiss from Dahyun. She not only wants to return the favor but also show her affection.

Watch Sana try and fail to give her kisses to Dahyun here.


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