TXT’s 2019 Live Broadcasts Capture Maknae Huening Kai Growing Up So Fast

It’s making MOAs drop all their UWUs.

TXT, since their debut in March 2019, have been active on creating live broadcast contents. And as these broadcasts regularly went live for MOAs throughout the year…


… they unintentionally captured the maknae (youngest) member Huening Kai‘s growth in a year’s time! MOAs realized, even between this very first live broadcast held March 10, 2019…


… and the next one held a month later on April 7, 2019, there is a noticeable difference in Huening Kai’s visual and vibe.


By June 2019, Huening Kai seems to have become a lot more relaxed in front of the camera. That is also a part of his growth documented in these broadcasts…


… and MOAs can’t help but absolutely adore watching Huening Kai transform!


In September 2019’s live broadcast, Huening Kai looks nothing like the March 2019 Huening Kai!


MOAs have commented in pleasant surprise, “Huening Kai’s growth is so visible.”

He started off as a baby… But in the most recent ones, he definitely has more presence here than he did before.



TXT’s future live broadcasts will continue to capture Huening Kai’s go from a sweet boy to a strong idol. MOAs look forward to seeing him get closer and closer to his very best version!

Source: THEQOO


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