How TXT’s Beomgyu Showed His Utmost Respect For BTS’s Jimin
That’s a true sign of respect.

Since TXT became the juniors BTS always wanted, the bond between them is a close one. So close that Jimin called them his babies.
Beomgyu has since returned the favor and shown just how much he cares for and respects Jimin.
When TXT appeared on a Japanese show, the program played a clip of BTS. Right from the start, Beomgyu showed how excited he was to see Jimin on screen.
He then caused fans to chuckle by politely bowing to the screen in greeting as if Jimin was right there in person. It wasn’t the first time the group was so respectful to their seniors but warmed fans’ hearts just as much.
Since Jimin and Beomgyu have grown closer recently, the former would probably be just as amused by the sweet moment.