TXT’s Hueningkai Dishes On The Moment Soobin’s Hedgehog Odi Finally Opened Up To Him

This is a new cute friendship!

TXT‘s Hueningkai has finally been accepted by Soobin‘s adorable hedgehog Odi and he recently gushed about the moment Odi opened up to him.

| @txt_members/Twitter

In the past, Soobin has explained during his live broadcast that Odi would often show a meaner side to the members. Since it was clear that Odi wasn’t ready to mingle, the members stayed distant.

If they touched Odi, he would bite, or get mad, or raise the quills. It’s one of the three. So they were too afraid to touch. Odi has gotten a bit more docile lately.

— Soobin

Fortunately, Soobin went on to say that Odi had recently opened up to the members. Instead of shying away from them, Odi let them play round with him.

I said, ‘It might be different this time!’ I lifted him and gave it to them. And Odi stayed still. They were surprised as they held him. They would touch the belly and moved his arms.

— Soobin

Following Soobin’s live broadcast, Hueningkai shared two photos of him holding Odi with the caption, “Finally.” While that was all Hueningkai commented on in his post, he dished on the moment during a live broadcast with Beomgyu. Hueningkai also added the hashtag, “#ILOVEYOUODI”

In the live broadcast, Hueningkai shared that as he held Odi, he was concerned for his safety. Not wanting him to fall, Hueningkai commented that he handled Odi very carefully. How sweet!

I held Odi like this and I was being very careful because I was worried he’d fall from my hands so I was like ‘No, no, please don’t fall.’

— Hueningkai

Source: Naver TV


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