TXT Soobin’s Most Prized Treasure Will Break Apart Your Heart And Put It Back Together

He now takes it with him whenever he goes overseas.

During an interview with Japanese magazine Non-No, as part of TXT‘s promotions for debut single album Magic Hour, all of the members were asked to reveal what their treasures were.

Soobin went full sentimental, revealing his item to be a notebook he’d receive from a friend. He then went on to explain that it wasn’t the notebook itself that was so precious.

When Soobin was a trainee, there came a time when he had to travel to the United States for more training. Although he went along with the rest of his group members, he would be in a whole different country, away from his friends and family.

That’s when one of his friends gave him the notebook full of mementos to remember them by.

When opening the notebook, Soobin found all of the things he needed to comfort him in his time away from his friends. The friend had included “pictures, messages, an amulet, and a dollar bill” inside of it to remind Soobin of his home.

Soobin found the notebook so thoughtful and heartwarming that he now has a particular use for it, “I always take it when I go out overseas.”

If you’ve ever wondered what Soobin takes on tours with him, it’s a notebook that holds the love of his friends, which he can look back at and gain strength from.


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