TXT’s Soobin Unintentionally Reveals His True Identity As He Removes His Character Hat

MOAs couldn’t stop screaming.

At their recent fan meeting, TXT members got to try on different hats and hairbands and make MOAs drop all their UWUs big time. Soobin, in particular, stole all the fan hearts when he rocked a pair of kitty ears like his own, unintentionally revealing his identity as a smol fluffy animal.


Soobin was first spotted in a bunny hat. When his teammates asked what exactly he was wearing on his head, Soobin tried to explain.

This? This is an Apeach hat.

— Soobin


To the unsuspecting fans’ surprise, Soobin removed his hat to reveal a pair of cat ears pinned to his hair.


While Soobin had forgotten he was wearing these ears, MOAs went wild for the overwhelmingly cute visual.


Even his teammates found Soobin’s fuzzy ears buzz-worthy!

You should keep them on, they look good on you.

— Yeonjun


Watch the full clip here:

Source: THEQOO


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