Viral Singer Stephanie Poetri & Red Velvet’s Joy Are Fans Of Each Other & It’s The Cutest Thing

Stephanie first revealed her love for Joy almost a year ago.

One of Indonesia’s most popular singers of the moment, Stephanie Poetri, is a big fan of K-Pop, especially Red Velvet’s Joy. Now, it turns out Joy is a fan of her too—and Poetri’s ReVeluv fangirl moment was just too cute.

20-year-old Stephanie Poetri dropped romantic tune “I Love You 3000” a year ago, and it didn’t take long for the hit to go viral. Inspired by Avengers: Endgame, the song has since amassed 67 million views on YouTube. But no matter how big her fame grows, Poetri will always remain a loyal K-Pop fan.

In a Buzzfeed interview, Stephanie Poetri told fans the first album she ever bought with her own money of GOT7’s Eyes on You, so it’s only fitting that she released a remix of “I Love You 3000” with Jackson Wang last year. However, he’s not the only star she’s a fan of.

In a September 2019 interview with Hollywire, Poetri revealed that one of her biggest girl crushes is none other than Joy from Red Velvet.

And now, it seems Joy is a fan of Poetri too! A ReVeluv recently took to Red Velvet’s fanclub app, Lysn, to ask Joy if she has any song recommendations right now. Joy’s response? These days, she’s into Stephanie Poetri’s “I Love You 3000”.

Fans quickly took to social media to let Poetri know her idol noticed her, and her response was the cutest thing. On Twitter, Poetri fangirled over Joy and promised to try to post an old video she recorded of herself covering the choreography to Red Velvet’s 2017 song “Peek-a-Boo”. Stephanie Poetri is definitely a true ReVeluv.

She also updated her Instagram story to say her love for Joy has finally come full circle.

Stephanie Poetri must be one of the luckiest K-Pop fans out there, since she also recently got noticed by another idol she loves. In a Radio Disney interview, Poetri said her old phone background used to be SEVENTEEN.

| Radio Disney/YouTube

Back in February, SEVENTEEN’s Hoshi told fans on the group’s fancafe that he’s into “I Love You 3000”. Later, in June, Hoshi added the song to his official Spotify playlist.

Red Velvet

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