Watch TWICE Use Their Ingenuity To Turn This Common Item Into A Handy Kitchen Gadget

Troom Troom WHO? More like TWICE TWICE, right?

TWICE are no strangers to using handy gadgets thanks to Jeongyeon. They’ve tested everything from LED lip gloss to umbrella hats—seriously! They really know how to have fun all the time.

During a previous episode of Weekly Idol, the members tried the popular lifehack of making popcorn with a flat iron.

Source: ALL THE K-POP/YouTube

Although the lifehack was actually part of a game, they all took it very seriously and results are pretty satisfying.

Source: ALL THE K-POP/YouTube

 Mina noted that there was definitely a popcorn smell.

Source: ALL THE K-POP/YouTube

Whether it was skill or sheer luck, Dahyun was the first to actually make popcorn.

Source: ALL THE K-POP/YouTube

The next member to accomplish the incredible feat was Sana, proving that it can be done more than once!

Source: ALL THE K-POP/YouTube

While this might not necessarily be the most practical way to make popcorn, it’ll definitely work in a pinch and it’s definitely very cool seeing how excited everyone was when TWICE managed to do it!

Watch the whole clip below:


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