WayV Speak Four Languages To Each Other, Here’s When They Use Them

Every set of members communicate in a different language.

Following the release of their first full-length album Awaken The World, WayV have been knocking it out of the park with their “Turn Back Time” performances on Korean music shows. While those promotions prove their global appeal, they showed off how many more people they could reach with their language skills.

During their visit to hello82, the group answered which languages they spoke to each other. There turned out to be four they used to communicate their thoughts. With it came different situations in which they used them.

While everyone else was processing the question, maknae Yangyang decided to take the wheel in breaking all their languages down. Raising a finger, he stated, “I know.”

Since they’re a Chinese group, you’d think they would speak a form of Chinese to their manager. That wasn’t the case. Yangyang revealed, “When we’re with our manager, we use Korean.”

When all of the members are only speaking to each other, they can speak what comes naturally to the majority of them, “But when it’s just us, we use Mandarin.”

Although that’s the standard language for them, it changes when particular members are having conversations with each other. Yangyang pointed out, “Lucas, Hendery, and Xiaojun use Cantonese.”

When he and Ten are chatting together, like in their hilarious Instagram lives, they opt to keep their other language skills sharp, “Ten and I use English.”

Even though the group speaks Korean when they’re communicating with their manager, they also use it among themselves. With Ten and Kun having spent so much time training in Korea, the latter admitted, “When I’m with Ten, I use Korean.”

The most amazing part is that these aren’t the only languages they speak. From German to Thai, they’re truly a global group. See them break down when they speak each language here.


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