WayV’s Xiaojun Claims He Is No Longer Awkward Around These NCT Members, Here Is The Proof

It’s the rise of social butterfly Xiaojun!

Recently, WayV‘s Xiaojun and NCT DREAM‘s Renjun held a live stream together in which Xiaojun revealed which members of NCT he now feels comfortable with.

Fans were excited to find out who these members are, since Xiaojun had been much requested for NCT’s popular series Awsaz (or Awkward Bros) since last year’s Resonance album, particularly due to some hilariously awkward moments between him and Yuta.

The series features members who are awkward with one another doing activities together, while members who starred in previous episodes tell them what to say and do. Fans were immediately excited when it was announced that Xiaojun and Yuta would feature in an episode together, and naturally the episode ended up being a goldmine of awkward moments, including this awkward little kiss…

…this hilarious confession…

…and this cute hug.

Similarly, fans also loved how hilariously awkward Xiaojun was with Jeno and Jaemin when they did a live stream together during Resonance

But now things have changed, according to Xiaojun. In his recent live stream with Renjun, he claimed that now he actually feels quite comfortable with a lot of the members of NCT.

And fans are happy to see that his friendship with Yuta, Jeno, and Jaemin certainly does seem to have grown!

In fact, he’s reportedly gym buddies with Jaemin, Jeno and Jaehyun

…and even offered up this intriguing TMI about Jeno, leaving fans absolutely shook.

Even his friendship with Haechan seems to have grown, with fans pointing out the difference in their dynamic with this funny meme.

There may still be some adorably awkward moments…

…but Xiaojun really seems to have come into his own with NCT’s 2021 comeback. It’s great to watch him grown in confidence and interact more comfortably with the members of NCT. Fans are definitely here for social butterfly Xiaojun!



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