You Won’t Be Able To Stop UWUing When You See This Poodle Pretending To Be Human

Dogs are too good for this earth and we don’t deserve them.

Sawol is a one-year-old poodle featured on SBS‘s Animal Farm, and her absolutely adorable visuals and personality will make you UwU until you die. (Greetings from the afterlife! 👻) If you aren’t UwUing, you may want to check with your doctor to make sure you have a heart. 😂😂😂

Sawol is such a smart cookie that when she was called, she came running. (Hey, some people aren’t even that reliable! 😛)

Source: SBS TV동물농장x애니멀봐/YouTube

Then, just as a real person would do, she stared incredulously at her hooman for calling her all the way over to his room, interrupting whatever she was doing, to turn on his light.

Source: SBS TV동물농장x애니멀봐/YouTube

Although she’s only a year old, she’s clever beyond her years and more like a human than a dog!

Source: SBS TV동물농장x애니멀봐/YouTube

No, seriously! See how she doubles back to turn off the light after someone left it on?

Source: SBS TV동물농장x애니멀봐/YouTube

When the refrigerator alarm sounds to let whoever is using it know that it’s been open too long, Sawol took the warning very seriously and began nudging the door shut in an almost scolding way.

Source: SBS TV동물농장x애니멀봐/YouTube

Her owner revealed that he didn’t actually train her to do these things, but rather, she observed him and copied his behavior! And, the praise she received after being an extra good doggo encouraged her to continue the behavior.

Source: SBS TV동물농장x애니멀봐/YouTube

Watch the whole video below to have your heart completely stolen by this adorable, precious dog:

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