Yoona Picks Her 2 Favorite Girls’ Generation Eras

They’re the two she thought she totally slayed.

Looking back on all of Girls’ Generation‘s comebacks and title tracks, Yoona selected the two that held a special place in her heart.

Yoona | @yoona__lim/Instagram

During her sit-down with Elle Korea, the magazine asked Yoona which Girls’ Generation era made her think she was absolutely amazing. Although the question made her laugh, there were two that came to mind.

Yoona chose the fun “PARTY” and the popular “Lion Heart”, sharing reasons why each one was special to her.

She couldn’t go without naming “PARTY” because it was the first time she’d ever dyed her hair blonde. It was a hair color that Yoona still adored.

Yoona loved “Lion Heart” for a completely different reason. She “really liked the theme” and the “medieval vibes.

Yoona definitely looked and did amazing during both eras. Did she pick the ones you expected?

Girls' Generation

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