[★TRENDING] “TS Entertainment” trends worldwide after B.A.P files for contract nullification

Shortly after it was announced that B.A.P is filing a lawsuit against TS Entertainment, fans have turned to Twitter and began trending TS Entertainment.

On November 28th, B.A.P filed a lawsuit against their company, TS Entertainment, requesting for a nullification of their contracts. They believed that the contract was unfair, as they believe the terms are too advantageous towards the company and disadvantageous towards the members.

Recently, B.A.P. has been having trouble with their schedules and health problems. On October 27th, TS Entertainment reported that B.A.P.’s South American tour would be cancelled just weeks before the actual event, citing concerns over the health of the members.

Hearing the news, many fans have taken to Twitter to let their voices be heard by having the company’s name trend on Twitter.

bap - ts entertainment

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