New couples hope to revive “We Got Married”

Despite the Saturday’s prime time slot, MBC‘s variety show, We Got Married, has been consistently declining in viewer rates from average of 5% to 3%.

We Got Married has been receiving ceaseless criticisms in recent months, in particular, beginning March’s new couple Henry (Super Junior) and Yewon (former member of Jewelry). Many netizens were angered at the production team continued to keep Yewon in spite of her controversial fight with actress Lee Tae Im. Additionally, actress Kim So Eun stirred the media with her relationship scandal with actor Son Ho Joon, opposing the show’s policy. With such rumours, netizens expressed their disapproval of Song Jae Rim and Kim So Eun couple for lacking sincerity on the show.

In the end, We Got Married has recently decided to drop Henry-Yewon and Song Jae Rim-Kim So Eun couples with their last episode on June 13th. The new couples have been announced to be to Oh Man SukKang Ye Won and Yook Sung Jae (BTOB)-Joy (Red Velvet), beginning June 20th.

Examing the past trends of We Got Married, Nam Goong MinHong Jin Young couple revived the program with their realistic scenes of newlywed life on the show. Additionally, Han Seung Yeon (KARA) as well as Han Sun Hwa (Secret) starred in the show during their rookie girl group years. Thus, some have been praising the production team has laid out the best game change investment for the show.

Through thick and thin, We Got Married has lasted eight years. Some are hoping, yet, doubting, if the new couples will revive the the show’s declined rating and popularity. In the meantime, check out some of the most liked comments:

1. [+9342,-152] Now you have the reason to end the show.

2. [+8424,-146] Should leave when you’re at the worst~~

3. [+7352,-148] WGM’s answer is to end the show.

4. [+6591,-336] Yewon, are you seeing?

5. [+3838,-48] The starring couples are not the problem, but the production team, who is mocking the viewers, is the bigger problem of the show.

Source: Sports World, Sports World via Naver

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