[★VIDEO] Kim Woo Bin is athletic in suits for Sieg Fahrenheit campaign

Model turned actor Kim Woo Bin shows off his stunning physique and athleticism in the latest campaign movie for the 2015 Spring/Summer collection for Sieg Fahrenheit

Beginning with the model charismatically standing in various sports arenas and gazing out with a determined look, the video highlights the latest looks from their Sports De Luxe line before panning to a studio setting.

Then, Kim Woo Bin is shown jumping into poses, adjusting his suit, stretching, and smiling in slow motion all the while dressed in outfits that hug his muscular body.

Kim Woo Bin was recently chosen as a new model for Seig Fahrenheit, joining 2PM‘s Ok Tacyeon in representing the brand.

Check out his handsome looks below:



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