Meet members Vernon and THE8 from Pledis’ upcoming boy group SEVENTEEN

Pledis Entertainment introduces two additional members of their upcoming boy group SEVENTEEN in new teaser videos, Vernon and THE8.

Released on April 22nd, the upcoming rookie group continues to tease a “Debut Big Plan,” which is set to air via MBC Music this May.

While fans who have followed the group via their show SEVENTEEN TV the past couple years are quite familiar with the group, the upcoming SEVENTEEN PROJECT: Debut Big Plan reality show will cater further to new fans as they take their viewers into their venture of finally debuting.

SEVENTEEN, unlike their name, will actually be a 13-member boy group. The number dwindled down from 17 to 13 in the past four years since preparing for their debut. Since 2012, Pledis has been airing SEVENTEEN TV, introducing trainees and potential SEVENTEEN members to viewers.

The MBC Music reality show will air at 1pm KST starting on May 2nd.

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